【イベント】EnglishCamp レポート第3日目

【イベント】EnglishCamp レポート第3日目
EnglishCamp 第三日目(8月9日)天気予報では終日雨でしたが、何と❣晴れ☀
English Activity、子どもたちの反応が早くなる。子どもの吸収力ってすごいです。
「明日はバスで帰る日よ」というと「帰りたくなーい!」 「えーっと、バスが故障したからもう一日泊まりますって言ったらいいじゃん」なんともかわいい♡
Day 3 – Egg picking and Planetarium adventures
Waking up to lovely weather, we re-visited the farm as soon as we had finished breakfast. It was time for some egg picking, and the kids couldn’t have been more excited. We learned a lot about hens and their egg production process, and the children got to keep all the eggs they’d picked. Yaay!
Satisfied with our eggs, we went back to the river side we had quickly visited the other day. The kids brought Crocs, so they could play in the river. They had the time of their lives!
After washing up from our river adventures, we went on another road trip with the car – this time to the Planetarium! We learned a lot about star constellations, and we all were mesmerized by the amazing show.
After exploring the planetarium facilities, we played at the River Side Park. There were many different jungle gyms, and the kids could play to their hearts’ content.
When arriving at the facilities, it was time for barbecue. We enjoyed grilled beef, yakisoba and yaki onigiri. As we were leaving the following day, we all sat around a camp fire, discussing what we had enjoyed the most during our stay. We wrapped up our evening with some more fireworks play, this time using bigger ones. The evening was a success.